Red Shoe Votes Conference Call
Just a quick reminder about tonight’s call with myself and David Barton.
Monday, September 19 2016
Time: 7:00 pm CST
Call Number: (605) 562-3140
Access Code: 123731
David Barton Founder and President of WallBuilders (a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage).
We’ll be discussing the significant role women can play in elections and impacting the nation. There will also be some time for questions.
God bless,
Red Shoe Votes is a campaign from Cindy Jacobs and Generals International to mobilize Christian women (and men!) to shift the nation with their voices and their votes.
For too long, we as Christian women have allowed so many other voices to speak for us, including influential women who do not share or respect biblical values.